Donkeyball Games & Fundraisers
A fun and exciting way to help your organization raise money
Yes, you heard right... DONKEY BASKETBALL! What could be better than a fundraiser that brings your community together for a hilarious and crazy evening of fun while earning the money your organization needs! Our show is a nice, clean family fun event that will have the kids and the adults rolling in the aisles from start to finish! Not only will our event be the BEST fundraiser you've ever had, and make you a lot of money, it is an event that everyone will look forward to year after year!
How to Schedule a Game:
Choose a few dates during our seasons (Fall: September-November, Spring: March-May) that your gymnasium is available. Then, give us a call or send an e-mail with the name of your school, city, state, dates and contact information!
Our calendar is filling up...Book your games for this year today! Call 802-293-5837
Donkey Basketball
Never heard of Donkey Basketball? It has been a popular fundraising event in small town America since the depression. Ride real, live donkeys and play basketball while raising money for your organization.
You Provide:
Gymnasium or Outdoor Field
PA (sound) system
A Master of Ceremonies. This person should be very comfortable with public speaking. Their job is to get the crowd going during the game and announce all the action! The right person on this job can add much to the success of the show.
The Players. All participants must be at least 16 years of age, no exceptions. We recommend four teams with six players per team. Every participant must sign a waiver (provided by Green Mountain Donkey Ball) and attend a pre-game players meeting. At the pre-game meeting, our team will go over safety precautions and the rules of the game with all participants. The MC is also encouraged to attend this meeting.
We Provide:
The Donkeys
Equipment (ball, helmets, padding, donkey’s protective shoes, etc.)
Tickets & Advertising Materials (posters, flyers, etc.)
“How to Run a Successful Event” checklist
Master of Ceremonies Script
Referee & Crew
Sports Accident Insurance
FREE Half-Time Donkey Rides for children ages 12 and under.
Everything you need resulting in a fun and successful event!
Our $40 registration fee is the only up-front cost to you. The Registration Fee covers our MANDATORY Sports Accident Insurance, holds your reservation on our schedule, and is due upon receipt of your Contract.